01/02/2018No Comments

Window Vinyl

Window vinyl installations are a great and creative way to serve an environment in many different ways, from Branding and identity to creatively displaying information to simply dividing the space between two rooms, here are a few designs I have found in the archives:

Window vinyl

[Modula id='1']

See more window vinyls here:

26/01/2018No Comments

Flags of Europe

Please visit my Creative Market shop to download these fantastic Flags of Europe place marker vectors, for only £5!


26/01/2018Comments are off for this post.

NHS Poster

Recently I have been asked to help out with a few quick turn around posters for the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Groups) for Walsall's NHS, the posters inform residents of closures and date's the local GPs surgeries are open, Below are the results of the task.

08/09/2017No Comments

Robot Character Designs for Shutterstock

Robot Character Designs

Shutterstock robot

robot stock image

A few Months ago I decided to take a chance earning some money through stock image sites, Shutterstock is the one I use the most, so I created a contributor account and started uploading my images.

At the start, all I had were photographs from my days working at a school, pictures of old clocks, coat racks...etc, they weren't doing very well in terms of downloads, I expected this would happen from the get-go.

To gain more traffic I decided that, the more content I had, the more chances of exposure, however, I no longer have a high-quality camera to help me with this, as it was the property of the school.

Pictures from my phone weren't good enough, pictures I'd already taken needed permissions for the content (people, places...) I was at an impasse.

Until one day I realised, I am a designer, not a photographer, I set my self a challenge, I would design a group of characters that could be useful to animators and designers alike.

My first was this robot character that I had originally created for a project at University, he and all my other content is available at Shutterstock: shutterstock.com/g/AndrewHeffernan

17/02/2017No Comments

Skinny Coffee Club (Holland and Barrett Trial)

The Half Day Trial

Skinny coffee club is a product created to be sold in branches of Holland and Barrett, it is a weight loses supliment in the form of coffee.

A couplpe of weeks ago i participated in a stage of interviews to join the design and marketing team at Holland and barret, as a Graphic Designer.

in the end i got down to the final two candidates and was asked to come in for a half day working trial, i got to meet the team and experience how they work.

The task to create some promotional designs for the Skinny Coffee Club brand, a set of window displays and some online banners.

I based my campaign on the concept of a weighing scales where the units of measurement were replaced with times of the day, and the needle pointing towards the time of day a person would/should consume the brand.

After, i left the half day session with my head held high, feeling very proud to have even been given the chance to particpate in this exercise.

I am very greatful that holland and Barrett gave me this opportunity and feel i have built a bond with the team, i hope to hear many things from them in the future.

One Minute Briefs

Check out one minute briefs and follow Mac_Daddies to see their work, and why not become an OMBLE.

Click here for OneMinuteBriefs
Read more

30/01/2017No Comments

Map, maps and more maps (part 1)

A while ago the go to response for "what would you like as your wall mural?" was "A MAP!!".

we must have resourced, processed and intalled around 15 wall instalations to do with various maps.

Old maps, new maps, maps of the world, satalite images and ancient drawings.

This image is a title piece for a range of old and new maps that were placed around the hallways at the Tudor Grange Academy in Solihull.

The Project detailed the growth of the district of solihull (near Birmingham) and encouraged pupils to aim to expand it further in the future.

This Image is from 1900, in the set there are images from 1850, 1945 all the way up to 2000.

In all images the school is pointed out, this helps the students reference where they currently are.
and also helps them discover where other landmarks are, including their homes and the town centre.

This image and more can be found on my Dribbble page here


15/09/2016No Comments

The Handbook

15/09/2016No Comments

Dave Hill Style Photography Experiment

03/08/2016No Comments

Logo Exploration VI

Logo Challenge

It's half term, a time of tranquility where i work, a time to reflect and develop.

finishing earlier than usual gives more time for me to design the things i want to.

This year i have challenged myself to design a logo every day throught the summer.

They are all fictional and have no purpose in the real world, but they are to help me stenghten my creative skills,

as this year i am looking to progress to the next stage in my carrer and atempt to find a job in a creative agency.

hopefully these logos will help in some way, shape or form.

Here are the logos from the challenge so far:

Logo exploration-11

Logo exploration-10

Logo exploration-09

Logo exploration-08

Logo exploration-07

Logo exploration-06

Logo exploration-05

Logo exploration-04

Logo exploration-03

Logo exploration-02

Logo exploration-01

25/04/2016No Comments

How wit and humour make for strong graphic design ideas

_It goes without saying that graphic design isn’t graphic design without an idea. Whether it's ideas that simplify, sell or seduce, graphic design work has a purpose; and a new book by Steven Heller and Gail Anderson seeks to explain “some of the key elements of good design” in clear, accessible language with a wealth of visual examples._

Source: How wit and humour make for strong graphic design ideas







© 2019 Andy Heffernan. All rights reserved.