A while ago the go to response for "what would you like as your wall mural?" was "A MAP!!".
we must have resourced, processed and intalled around 15 wall instalations to do with various maps.
Old maps, new maps, maps of the world, satalite images and ancient drawings.
This image is a title piece for a range of old and new maps that were placed around the hallways at the Tudor Grange Academy in Solihull.
The Project detailed the growth of the district of solihull (near Birmingham) and encouraged pupils to aim to expand it further in the future.
This Image is from 1900, in the set there are images from 1850, 1945 all the way up to 2000.
In all images the school is pointed out, this helps the students reference where they currently are.
and also helps them discover where other landmarks are, including their homes and the town centre.
This image and more can be found on my Dribbble page here
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